One-day of My Life

-Kamal Shrestha

Since a long time ago, I had been walking around for bright and prosperous future. I hadn’t thought of a new way of life from one side considering from another side of coin. As the day of my life used to start with the sunrise in the morning playing with glittered things on the leaves, the day painfully used to rest with the blanket of sunshine and the splendid night after sunset used to delve into the dark in search of truth of life fearlessly.

With the sparkling rays of light in the morning, it was giving life not only to the leaves and grasses but also towards insects and animals. The grasshopper was jumping with a little force using thin legs from one leaf to another. In the meantime, I used to observe the frogs’ intimate relationship beside the well too. They were more worthwhile than humans. Suddenly, I peeped through my room’s South-West window where I had a fresh and cool air blending with happiness. I saw pink-coloured beautiful roses which refilled my life with positive energy as well. And, I used to pick and give those flowers to my part of life closing both eyes. Though this act was only alive with my heart and mind, it was acceptable to my beloved as well.

 I used to open novels and short stories from the shelf at around 7 O’clock. Even though my eyes were centered around some of the lines and paragraphs, I used to feel every word as part of my life which was directly approaching me to find the truth of life. Although I was supposed to scratch my forehead thinking my part of life, she was inside my heart and life as I believe it was true.

 I had always a rush hour after a delicious morning meal. I usually used to catch a bus to office. The traffic jam always terrified me to think for another career near about my place. But the interesting thing was there to stop me for a while to observe rose flower stickers pasted on the windscreen. ‘Rose’ for me was the only internal-communication with my part of life. When I used to see rose flowers, I used to feel, “She loves me so much”.

I always used to afraid of inbox of an e-mail during office hour because it was full of unnecessary spam mails and lots of work. I used to think, “No Chance! Get out of work.” And, my unrest fingers slightly used to tilt towards the telephone set to make a phone call to my beloved as she might be supposed to be working with the volume of works too. I used to mention, “She is perfect part of my life. Even God or any other power of realm cannot separate from my heart. If she goes far away I promise; I cannot live alone.”

The day used to depart me with lots of experience though it was like no pain, no gain. I used to promise to perform unbeatable volume of works to complete. Once I used to close the computer, I used to think about life that is going to live with her presence. Some places were significant where I usually used to go in her absence.

 I always wanted to see and search for bright-star at night. Meanwhile in the deep and dark calm night, I used to think of life from another part of life as well. I always called her, only she, the one I chose, to be with me. It was all about like scary dream when I used to wake up in the early morning. And I did my life thinking from another side of coin- I found the real cognition of the truth of life that invigorated me to follow the right path of a life separately.

And after, I began a long journey from that beautiful, joyful and shiny morning which was smiling in the face of time in the clover field hoping to course a life lonely as an alone traveller.

Published by Kamal Shrestha

An Alone Traveller, Intense Blogger, Creative Designer and an English Teacher.

38 thoughts on “One-day of My Life

  1. A man in a bookstore buys a book about loneliness and every woman in the store jumps on it. A woman buys a book about loneliness and everyone in the bookstore rushes it outside.

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